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Repurposing for a Birthday December 20, 2011

Posted by Danielle in Crafts, Family Stuff.
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Okay, well, here’s my version of a recycled blue jean purse.

Purse with front flap closed


Front of purse, with front flap lifted


Back of purse with 30 Sucks treat in back pocket

That’s my rendition of the recycled jean purse.  Please excuse any flaws… I’m still a beginning sewer!  I got the idea here.  And while my purse might now look quite the same, I think it came out pretty well.  And I now have a 30th birthday gift for my sister (hence the 30 sucks sucker in the back pocket!)  For the most part, I tried to follow the directions for the purse.  The difficulty I had was in sewing the front flap onto the purse since the thickness of the material just wasn’t machine friendly!  But on the bright side, I only broke two needles…  If I attempt another purse, I will find material that is much thinner…  I will talk with my sister and find out if the short strap works for her, or if she wants a longer one to turn it more into a cross-body bag.  I have enough to make a longer strap if she wants it.

The sucker was an idea I got when Bill, Tom, and I went to Frankenmuth this year.  We went into a candy shop (how could we not, when Bill and Tom are both candy-holics?), and I saw a sucker that had a similar sticker on it in various ages.  I would have bought it, but it was something in the range of $7!  For a sucker!  So I bought a plain sucker for $3, dressed it up at home, and put my homemade sticker on it.  I think the effect is the same.

Can’t believe that my “baby” sister is turning 30 in January!  Guess that makes me pretty darn old…  Lucky for me, most days I don’t feel all that old.  Yet.  Jesyka is actually flying in late tonight/early tomorrow, so we are going to get a little jump start on the holiday visiting since she is coming in early.  Hope she likes her birthday gift… especially since we aren’t “supposed” to be exchanging gifts this year.  Ha!  Like I ever listen…. 🙂